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  • Kontakt | Suzi

    Did I address you? Do you feel the chemistry with me? Then do not hesitate, get in touch with me so that I can get to know you. Write to me at : ali call: 051 615 596 You can also find me at: Your details were sent successfully! Send

  • Priporočila v menedžmentu | Suzi

    Management recommendations ¸ 2018 Waldorf School Maribor, Maksimiljan Rimele, director of the institute and director After two years of cooperation, I can say that this decision has had a great impact on the development of the entire institution, which is still ongoing. At the school, we want genuine relationships between employees, children and parents based on mutual respect and understanding, followed by internal, not hierarchical organization. This way of working has many advantages, as well as pitfalls that can often be avoided with a great deal of professionalism. And that is exactly what Mrs. Suzi Asfour brought us with her arrival. As the director of the institute and the principal, I felt a lot of support in communicating with the environment, preparing data for decision making, organizing meetings, planning obligations, finding possible solutions to very different situations, which can not be briefly listed in school life. After two years of working in an office that is the second heart of the school, Ms. Asfour has managed to create an environment that works professionally, yet warmly and homely. The latter is best seen with the arrival of children, who find a warm person in Suza, who listens to them and helps them, and in this way puts himself in the role of pedagogical activity. Parents and employees also find more and more security and trust in her systematic work . personal integrity and thus influences the positive development of the community, which the Waldorf school undoubtedly is and must be. Teachers firmly believe that children can be taught the most by example, but we are too little aware that it is similar in the adult world. Striving to be part of the solution and not problem seekers is something that needs to be nurtured as an endless mantra from day to day. Suzi Asfour can do it and it helps to grow and grow us all… ​ 2015 Evra doo, Simona Lobnik Ambrožič, director: Suzi Asfour worked with Evra on e-mail and telephone correspondence with clients, arranged meetings for the company's management, assisted in preparing content for workshops, articles and event moderation, and worked as a business secretary. She is good at good written and oral communication. She is very good at organizing work and time. She is energetic, dynamic and up-to-date. I recommend it to companies looking for a modern and organized business secretary. ​ ​ 2012-2013 ​ Aliansa doo, Daniel Kajzersperger, director: In the Alliance we are engaged in retail and wholesale of white goods and small household appliances, we are also we are importers for Elo containers, which we distribute in Slovenia, Croatia and most of the Balkans._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In order to bring our wide sales range closer online, it was necessary to administer two websites. We hired Suzi Asfour as an external contractor. We expected responsiveness, consistency and complete up-to-dateness in our work, as it was necessary to harmonize the current price lists with the situation in the online store as soon as possible. Suzi did her job independently, quickly, showed organizational skills and ingenuity. She also communicated and collaborated with other employees professionally. She showed self-initiative and commitment in her work. He is definitely a person with high personal standards, with an extremely positive attitude towards work and trustworthy. ​ Hello Bio doo, Gaber Marolt, director : Suzi has worked with me in recent years as an external collaborator in several areas and has helped me carry out many projects, whether it is introducing a new product or service, gaining new customers or communicating with existing and potential partners. I have to praise Suzi above all in relation to her work, as she is diligent and dedicated. He prepares thoroughly for the tasks and does his best to complete them perfectly. Of course, you’ll quickly notice that she’s great at communicating and that she has a warm personal relationship, which people appreciate, whether it’s communicating things that people like or things that are just as necessary, but we don’t always to your liking. In both cases, Suzi turns out. ​

  • Predavanja/literatura | Suzi

    Lectures and professional literature with a heart, the results follow: Education Manuals Professional articles I teach Since 2005, I have occasionally shared my knowledge and experience of office excellence. Topics: Time management, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Upward management (Effective cooperation with one or more superiors), How to "secretly" run an office (role and importance of a business assistant in the organization), Competences of business secretary / assistant ; ADMA 2018 Photo: Mediaspeed I am the co-author of 3 professional manuals: Handbook for Business Assistants and Secretaries , published in 2012 by Forum Media Publishing House, Maribor; Business Assistant - Hidden Manager , published in 2010 by Planet GV Publishing House, Ljubljana; Full Business Secretary , published in 2007 by Forum Media Publishing House, Maribor; ADMA Magazine Cover - March 2015 Source: Planet GV doo I am the author of articles in: ​ In focus: Business Assistance, PIA, ADMA, Director ; _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5c -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 94cc bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905kc-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ .si / professional-contributions _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _db -136d5c-51d .si / professional / staffing / 121-vi-in-vasa-poslovna-sekretarka Magazine for tourism and accommodation EXCELLENT, May 2015 _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d3cbd5cc55_bc 315 -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-13694-13694 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Recommendations: 2022 : Pošta Slovenije, mag. Mateja Korber, direktorica kabineta poslovodstva : Suzi, moje kolegice si nadvse navdušila – največ štejejo tvoje izkušnje, to jih je najbolj navdihnilo, da v bistvu predavaš to, kar si živela in živiš. Šteje to, kar ne piše v knjigah, teorije imamo že vsi vrh glave J Pa tudi sicer tvoja karizma in strast, magičnost, ki izžarevajo med tvojim nastopanjem! V nadaljevanju pa še moj vtis, ki ti lahko hkrati služi kot priporočilo zate. »So predavatelji in so predavatelji s srcem." In Suzi to nedvomno je. Verjamem, da je najbolj pristna predvsem zaradi svojih bogatih izkušenj na poslovnem in v osebnem življenju. Ker podaja tematiko iz sebe, govori s srcem, ki je polno izkušenj, prepleteno z dobrimi praksami, globokimi in bolečimi padci in zmagoslavnimi vzponi, ki so jo pilile iz drobnega kosa stekla in izoblikovale diamant v njej. In to dragocenost s strastjo širi med nas in na mlajše, naše zanamce. Čudovito delavnico je pripravila za moje kolegice, tajnice Pošte Slovenije. S svojo karizmo, modrostjo in široko paleto znanj je dodala velik doprinos našemu delu. Smo povezovalke – nevidna vez se prepleta med nami, vodstvom, zaposlenimi in strankami, zato je nujno, da se na svojem področju izobražujemo, spoznavamo z novostmi, smernicami, širimo znanja in kompetence, ki so hkrati naše kapacitete, ki nam ne dovoljujejo, da bi ostajale v coni udobja. In tudi ta del, poslovni del naših življenj čisto spontano vpliva na osebnostno rast. In če ta del na nas vpliva spontano, potem zavestno zbiramo izobraževanja oziroma tisti del, ki nam omogoča, da smo lahko še boljše, bolj prožne, še bolj unikatne, opolnomočene in suverene pri delu, ki ga opravljamo. 2022 : Založba Forum Media, d.o.o., mag. Polona Zakrajšek Vesna Dremelj, vodja uredništva : Forum Media je vodilno slovensko podjetje na področju izdaje poslovnih informacij in organizacije izobraževanj. Pri tem sodelujemo izključno z vrhunskimi strokovnjaki. Z gospo Suzi Asfour sodelujemo pri izvajanju izobraževalnega programa Sodobna poslovna sekretarka. Program je namenjen razvoju ključnih kompetenc za sodobno vodenje pisarne; osebnih, komunikacijskih in strokovnih. Gospa Asfour odlično pokriva vsa tri področja. S svojim znanjem, izkušnjami iz prakse, predavateljskimi veščinami in odkrito ter srčno skrbjo za učinkovito in uspešno predajo znanja udeležencem, ustvarja ne le profesionalno vsebinsko, a tudi zelo osebno izkušnjo. Draga Suzi, hvala za srčno sodelovanje, ki se ga veselim še daleč v prihodnost. 2016 in 2017: Higher Professional School Doba, Helena Vogrinec, principal Suzi Asfour gave a guest lecture as part of the European Vocational Competence Week at the Doba Vocational College, where she presented the work of a business secretary and highlighted what competencies are needed for a business secretary to become an indispensable part of a company. The participants rated the lecture with very high marks. The content of the lecture was assessed with a grade of 6.6, and only the lecturer with a grade of 6.7 (on a seven-point scale, where 1 is the lowest and 7 is the highest level of satisfaction). 2015: IV. Club Day, Vesna Gregorič, President of the Club of Secretaries and Business Secretaries of Dolenjska and Bela Krajina: Versatile lecturer Suzi Asfour presented organizational personality types excellently and comprehensively. Participants were able to identify their own characteristics and build their own better organizational work plan in the office. We have extracted from the lecture what needs to be taken into account in order to achieve a higher level of efficiency, such as self-organization, work plan and correctly set priorities. All this is the basis for efficient and quality work, which brings greater satisfaction at work, and at the same time more free time. / 2015: Participant in the 23rd Congress of Business Assistants, Secretaries, Heads of Offices and Secretaries - ADMA 2015: As with all congresses, some lecturers are anchored for a long time. Personally, I was extremely impressed by Mrs. Suzi Asfour (absolute winner), because all that distinguishes today's modern business secretary-assistant; excellent rhetoric, very flexible, organized, collected, orderly and I could go on and on. In short, phenomenal. 2007-2013: Založba Forum Media, doo, Vesna Dremelj, project manager: Suzi always does her job professionally, correctly and in accordance with the agreements. With her suggestions, she significantly co-created both manuals and seminars. 2005-2013: Planet GV d.oo, Petra Ilar, editor: Suzi does his job professionally and with quality. Her lectures represent a connection between theoretical and practical knowledge, with many practical solutions and personal experience and are highly rated by the listeners.

  • Vodenje združenja | Suzi

    President of the Association Play Association of Business Excellence Clubs of Slovenia 2013 ongoing (volunteer work) The association unites 8 regional clubs with almost 300 members. It is a voluntary, independent, non-profit association of natural persons who professionally perform the work of business assistant, business secretary, head of office or secretary: ​https: // As president of the association: I am the legal representative of the association; I take care of organizational and protocol tasks; organize, coordinate and lead various events; I prepare speeches, connecting texts, articles and e-news; I administer communication channels (website, social media); I give lectures at congresses in administration and management; I am the Chair of the Adma Personality of the Year Selection Committee. ​ Achievements: establishing a recognizable and financially stable association that offers its members professional, educational, social and societal empowerment on a personal and professional level. with the position of president of the association, I further strengthened my leadership, communication, organizational and social skills. 2022 5th day of the Association, April 9, 2022 at the Rose Hotel Bled, where I received a crystal recognition of excellence for many years of dedicated work and special achievements in professional organization. "Dear Susie! The day you have been carefully planning since last November is coming to an end. We will part with gratitude in our hearts! Thank you! ​ Thanks for the temperamental red thread of the event. To choose a great location here at the Rose Hotel Bled, for the excellent lecturer Anja, for both musicians, Tanja and Lovro, for the donors you encouraged to participate. for all marketing announcements on Fb, invitations, for a carefully prepared timeline and organization of member transportation. Thank you for the wonderful address we followed breathlessly ... your spoken, heartfelt words are inspiring! ​ Under your leadership, we renamed the association, we renamed some clubs, because just as our profession of office employees is progressing and changing, so is the association and its membership. Thank you very much, two words with which you have thanked us many times yourself: for all the good in the five terms of the presidency and leadership of the Association, for 9 years of your surrender. You addressed us at all events of the Association: every year at the Adma Congress in Portorož, at the evenings of members of the Association, at the PA / TL proclamation, after the new Adma Excellence of the Year, where you were also a member of the commission. Laško or later at the autumn Adma in Maribor and last year in Bled. Under your leadership, we began to get to know Slovenian places and thus attended seven autumn meetings of members of the Association with a humanitarian note: in Maribor, Dolenjska, Gorenjska, Koroška, Pivka, Celje and Trebnje. You addressed us on two spring federal trips, in Ptuj and Goriška, on seven motivational days of board members: twice in Ptuj, S. Primorsko, Trebnje, Ormož and Novo mesto. We met at least twice a year in Lukovica at the meetings of the board of directors of the association, led all the annual meetings of members of the association and spent many hours in his red Micra and drove quite a few kilometers on the way to the assemblies or. choirs of club members across Slovenia or their events. And you organized four of the five days of the union in Velenje (two even in the crown time) and today in Bled. ​ "Express gratitude. Confess it. Thus, completely from the heart. Confess it when you sincerely feel it. Without eloquence and completeness. , without reservations and shadows. " (Jože Urbanija) ​ For your heartfelt work, the Association today, April 9, 2022, awards you the Crystal Award of Excellence of the Association of Clubs of Business Excellence of Slovenia. Let’s clear the horizon and smile at the future. MASHALLAH! " ​ Vesna Medle, Public Relations Representative of the Association of Clubs of Business Excellence of Slovenia ​

  • Vodenje dogodkov | Suzi

    Conducting and organizing events Organizing and coordinating events and writing different texts have been my passion for many years. I am creative in the spoken and written word, be it for communication channels, articles, e-news or in the link text for events. I prepare the latter and I connect professionally and with a great sense of the nature of the event ... seriously and collected , relaxed and lively ... But always -cc- 318-5941-5 136bad5cf58d_heart energy, melodic voice and natural charisma add a dot to the whole connection on i. ​ I moderated: 2022 Round table with the finalists of the ADMA Excellence of the Year selection and the announcement of the winner ​ 2021 Round table with the finalists of the ADMA Excellence of the Year selection and the announcement of the winner ​ 2020: Winter school holiday of the Waldorf School Maribor 2019: Art evening of the Waldorf School on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Waldorf pedagogy, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ organization and moderation 2019: 25th anniversary of the Association of Clubs of Secretaries and Business Secretaries of Slovenia and the 2nd Day of the Association, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ organization, preparation of the full connecting text and introductory speech ​ 2018: Solemn announcement of the Business Assistant / Secretary of the Year 2018 at the Adma 2018 Congress 2018: 2 concerts of the music classroom Apolonya Maribor 2018: Winter school holiday of the Waldorf School Maribor ​ 2017: 1st day of the 3rd festival "When I raise myself, I raise Maribor 2017: Final production of students and teachers of the private music school Muziklub, Radlje ob Dravi 2017: Closing concert of the Apolonya Maribor music classroom 2017: Closing annual concert of the Mixed Academic Choir _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor 2017: Winter school holiday of the Waldorf School Maribor ​ ​ 2016: ADMA Congress 2016 - Jubilee Announcement of Business Assistant / Secretary of the Year 2016, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf Mr. Borut Pahor​, 2016: Conference for Business Secretaries in Education, Bled ​ ​ 2015: Awarding of prizes for communication excellence and professional diploma theses 2015: Celebration of Abraham Evalda Bizjak, ​2015: Business Forum Maribor organized by Business Intelligence Center Slovenia, Maribor ​ ​2014: Solemn ceremony on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Association of Clubs of Secretaries and Business Secretaries of Slovenia, Portorož ​ ​2007: Congress of Business Assistants, Secretaries and Secretaries 2007, Portorož ​ 2006: Autumn Conference of Office Managers, Maribor YOU CAN FIND MORE ABOUT MODERATING EVENTS HERE ... 2016 I was the organizer, co-host and moderator of the jubilee 20th announcement of the Business Assistant / Secretary of the Year. Festive guest President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor, Congress Center Bernardin Portorož, 19 May 2016 ​ ​ ​ ​ First picture: reception of the President of the country Second picture: running an event photo: Mediaspeed Publication on the website of the President of the Republic video from the ADMA 2016 congress Impressions: Art evening of the Waldorf School on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Waldorf pedagogy, October 4, 2019 in the Union Hall, 350 spectators _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Dear Suzi, Congratulations once again for a perfectly organized and carried out evening! Hats off, it really was top notch! TG ​ 2nd Association Day with the 25th anniversary of the association, April 6, 2019 in Velenje, 130 participants Dear Suzi, I sincerely and most sincerely thank you and your colleagues, all members of the Association of Secretaries of Slovenia, on behalf of Gorenje Gostinstvo, that we had the opportunity to host such an eminent group of successful and heartfelt ladies, on the occasion of your great jubilee at our Lake Restaurant. Even today, we are impressed by your extraordinary energy that you brought with you to our restaurant and the genuine connection that was felt and is a real rarity nowadays !. Your organizational and leadership skills are exceptional, everything has been thought out and refined to the last detail and spiced with a lot of warmth, love and mutual respect. As a whole, you work as a tuned orchestra, each of your colleagues is exceptional in their own right and I believe you can move mountains together. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy your excellent company, exceptional program and spend an unforgettable day with you. Our team of Jezero Restaurant, led by Peter Horvat, is really working hard and we are glad that we also impressed you with our cuisine and quality of service. Mag. Jasna Petan Assistant Director - Marketing and Sales Gorenje catering ​ Dear Suzi, our fellowship still resonates in my heart ... Really, I rarely meet such warm, open, heartfelt, pleasant people, with such good energy, with such joy and beautiful smiles !!! I am very grateful for your invitation !!! Sasha Einsiedler ​ Winter school holiday of the Waldorf School Maribor, February 17, 2018 in the Union Hall, 500 spectators ​ So many superb connections, red threads through the connecting text itself from the beginning of the speech, through the professional but at the same time playful and naughty moderator Suzi Asfour to the singing end of the event. TPK ​ Winter school holiday of the Waldorf School Maribor, February 4, 2017 in the Union Hall, 500 spectators Suzi, you were extremely beautiful at this event! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Superb! Very talented to guide. Your clothes in character, as well as intelligence, both in accordance with the task and in harmony with the pulse of the world, which I think is extremely important how in a pleasant and respectful way _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_presented the Waldorf idea outwardly. My sincere congratulations! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ BGD Dear Mrs. Asfour, congratulations on Saturday connecting the program, you were more than great. With your professional approach, you raised the level of the whole beautiful show and brought us even a little glamor. Congratulations! MW ​ Suzi, thank you for raising the average of our school holiday with your voice and stature. It was wonderful! Š. in PP ​Dear it. Suzi, I sincerely thank you for connecting the event so professionally and imaginatively on the last WŠ holiday, and even more for your tidiness. You impressed us with your red dress, which set the event on a higher level than all the previous ones! ​M.H ADMA Congress 2016 - 24th Congress of Business Assistants, Secretaries, Heads of Offices and Secretaries of Slovenia and Jubilee announcement of the Business Assistant / Secretary of the Year 2016, guest of honor President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor​ 350 udentants Peter Ribarič, Executive Director of Planet GV The solemn proclamation of the 20th proclamation of Business Assistant / Secretary in 2016 was prepared and carried out at the highest level, with her cordiality, exceptional energy and full professionalism. Vesna Medle, editor of the website of the Association of Secretaries of Slovenia Congratulations to the President of the Association Suzi Asfour for all the effort she put into the days of the ADMA Congress 2016 and the strong energy she transferred to us. Suzi, you're great! The pride of all of us who support you, feel you and love you! With you, our profession and association gained 6 Michelin stars. Congratulations on your performance. I am proud of you! Congress of Business Assistants, Secretaries and Secretaries 2014 - 20th Anniversary of the Association of Clubs of Secretaries and Business Secretaries of Slovenia, 300 participants _cc781905-5cd-3194 Tatjana Regent, secretary in 2000 and member of the Club of Secretaries and Business Secretaries of Ljubljana and its surroundings Suzi Asfour is a wonderful lady who, with her charisma, beautiful voice and excellent performance, runs the event from start to finish flawlessly. I highly recommend it! Congress of Business Assistants, Secretaries and Secretaries 2007, 650 participants ​ Jerica Damiš, President of SKPST Maribor The Congress of Secretaries and Business Secretaries of Slovenia 2007 is successfully behind us. Much of this success is yours, as you led the Congress excellently and professionally, so I, on my own behalf and on behalf of all members of the Professional Club of Business Secretaries and secretaries Maribor, express my gratitude and sincere congratulations.

  • Menedžment | Suzi

    In management as a crossroads of science, art and relationships sem effective and targeted v eduction office _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1365b558 -585b-136bad in the assistance of the leadership v stikih s strankami v execution of complex projects in the organization / coordination / moderation of events in staff education in administration and management ter friendly in connecting with people Competences Recommendations Smart Money Solutions d.o.o., osebna strateška asistentka lastnika, Smiljana Morija ​ 2023- 2024 ​ skrbim, da lastnikov delovni dan poteka nemoteno in učinkovito; skrbim za njegov koledar, časovnico, terminsko izvedbo; spremljam njegovo elektronsko pošto in v njegovem imenu odgovarjam nanje; sem skrbnica in sogovornica njegovih ključnih poslovnih partnerjev in strank; organiziram in koordiniram njegove sestanke, poslovne obiske, potovanja; organiziram različne dogodke za notranje in zunanje deležnike; opravljam druge naloge po nalogu lastnika. ​ ... you never know, maybe I'll be part of your organization soon .... _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d _... I am open to new, interesting challenges ..... ​ ... you never know, maybe I'll be part of your organization soon .... Waldorf School Maribor, Secretary VIZ VI. ​ 2016- ​ I run the school secretariat; I lead various projects; organize and coordinate school events; I prepare the connecting text and moderate the events; I assist the school management and the pedagogical conference; I administer the school's communication channels (e-news, editorials and school newsletters, social media); I do administrative matters I perform personnel work for the institute; I manage the financial operations of the institute (payment transactions, balance accounts) perform other tasks in my field of work that are necessary for the smooth operation of the institution, and tasks ordered by the management of the institution in accordance with regulations; Achievement: establishment of a professionally functioning secretariat as an information, communication and organizational center of the institute. Contract work ​ 2015 I have worked with companies: Evra doo, Planet GV doo; I have written articles for professional journals (ADMA, Director, Excellent); I connected business events; I lectured at seminars and congresses for business assistants; 2010 - present 2010 - present Achievements: I strengthened skills of written expression, rhetoric and public speaking. Suzi Zevnik (now Asfour) sp: "mobile assistant" for one or more companies at the same time. project work longer-term contractual cooperation ​ 2008-2014 I participated with the following companies: Okvirji Zevnik doo, Ali; Maromi, doo; Hello Bio doo; Gaber Marolt sp; Lakris doo; Enjo, Alenka Kügerl sp; Observer Genion Clipping Ltd .; Avtoplas, Romana Mavrič sp; Planet GV doo; Založba Forum Media doo, ​ I set up and ran a secretariat for various smaller companies; I set up an art and sales gallery and ran it for 3 years; I carried out a demanding project of data transfer (sale of white goods and small household appliances) from the old to the new database or. website; I translated from German into Slovenian and vice versa; I organized and led promotions, presentations and events; as an author, I prepared material for 3 professional manuals and a series of articles for professional journals; I have lectured at seminars and congresses for business assistants; I moderated business and cultural events. Achievements: successful implementation of projects to the satisfaction of my clients, who praised my independence, professionalism, excellent organizational and communication skills and positive attitude. Sonal, doo, Maribor, business assistant ​ 1992-2008 I ran the secretariat; I assisted the director and other members of the management; I led the import, export and procurement of production materials; I independently prepared work assignments by calculating technical data for production; I communicated orally and in writing daily in Slovene, German, English and Croatian language; I accepted and advised clients, processed offers, ordered and took care of their realization; I translated technical documentation from German into Slovenian; I set up a database for more efficient office management. I coordinated the dates of meetings, assemblies and services; I performed ongoing administrative work; Achievements: I was part of a team for 16 years, a family that has been working in the second generation. As a liaison between management, employees, business partners and customers, I co-created and contributed to the development and growth of the company. Working at Sonal gave me a solid foundation, knowledge, experience, independent and responsible work, growth and development, both personal and professional, _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and finally more wings for a self-employed flight. The first working years 1989-1992: Delo in a video cassette rental shop and a newsstand; 1989: Globtour Ljubljana: bilingual tourist guide, stationed in Poreč, guided trips around Istria and Slovenia and moderated events; 1988-1989: Lesarska šola Maribor: assistant for laboratory exercises in the subjects of biology and physics; 1987: MTT Melje: laboratory internship. 1982-1986: compulsory and holiday practice as a chemical technician (Zlatorog, MLM, Swaty) Achievements: how a chemist makes a career in business lab.

  • Priznanja | Suzi

    Acknowledgments for working with the heart, the following results: Crystal Recognition of Excellence 2022 Secretary of the Year 2005 Awarded diploma thesis 2007 I am a recipient of: Crystal Recognition of Excellence for many years of dedicated work and special achievements awarded by the Association of Clubs of Business Excellence of Slovenia _cc781905-5cde-315 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5 _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5c -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _c c781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cfcd -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5c -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 94cc bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13 6bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-13694-bb94 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _deb-136bad5cf58d_ _ccb1945-5 I am a recipient of: the prestigious title of Secretary of the Year 2005 , which I received at a prestigious knowledge test. Testing_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ is organized by the Association of Clubs of Secretaries and Business Secretaries of Slovenia and the company Planet GV doo . _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-13694-13694 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cb194594-94c94194-136c558__cc1 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb94 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13 6bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-13694-bb94 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5 _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5c -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cd e-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-_cb55-_cb55_3c-315-_cc78190 -136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-13694-13694 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I am the recipient recognitions for the original diploma work: ​ In 2007 I received recognition for my dissertation entitled: "Business Secretary and Manager - Small Team in Big" The submitted diploma theses are reviewed by an expert commission, compired by organized by the Association of Clubs of Secretaries and Secretaries of Business of Slovenia and the company Planet GV doo_cc781905c-13678590c-5 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_The professionalism, originality and usefulness of the diploma thesis are evaluated. ​

  • Suzi ASFOUR

    Pokaži, zakaj si tukaj in naredi to s strastjo! Članki: ​ FINANČNA ARHITEKTURA Adma : Top 6 korakov, kako za vedno usvojiti finančno pismenost ( ​ ​ ADMINISTRACIJA IN MENEDŽMENT Adma : ​ ​ VFokusu: Poslovna asistenca, PIA, ADMA, Direktor ; ​

  • Suzi ASFOUR

    Pokaži, zakaj si tukaj in naredi to s strastjo! #smartmoneywoman Me I am a combination of two very different cultures: Egyptian and Slovenian; I am active in sports: yoga, dancing, walking, cycling; I take care of a healthy diet; I adore nature; I am a bookworm; I am centered with meditation; I am a lover of art and culture, especially music and dance. Dom it is my safe and warm haven where I rest in the embrace of peace and homeliness. I have an extraordinary sense of aesthetics, interior interior and tidiness. My friend says that she could make a beautiful home out of a chicken coop. Work I love work where I can draw from my sparkling source to achieve heart results. I create with a set of my natural gifts and talents. That’s when I feel genuine and connected to the best I carry within me. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Family is where it all begins. I nurture genuine family ties based on connection and belonging. Potovanja so moja strast in zanje izkoristim vsako priložnost. Potovanja odpirajo naša obzorja, širijo miselnost in hranijo našo dušo. Socializing my friends are permanent in my life. I believe in genuine feminine energy and its creative and connecting power. Posebni dosežki: ​ kristalno priznanje odličnosti vodenje stanovske organizacije Tajnica leta 2005 soavtorica 3 strokovnih priročnikov avtorica številnih strokovnih člankov avtorica knjige Poletela, od iskre do plamena

  • Suzi ASFOUR

    Pokaži, zakaj si tukaj in naredi to s strastjo! Knjiga POLETELA, od iskre do plamena, je moj knjižni prvenec, čeravno sem spisala že veliko gradiva: strokovne priročnike in članke, prispevke za knjige drugih avtorjev, uvodnikov, veznih besedil, motivacijskih govorov, krajših objav ter osebnih pisem. Veliko ljudi, ki me poznajo in spremljajo že vrsto let, so me spodbujali že dalj časa, da napišem tudi knjigo. Pogosto so mi povedali, da vedno znova radi poslušajo moje govore in berejo moja besedila. Da jih nagovarja moj slog, srčnost, rahločutnost, izpovednost in predvsem iskrenost. Da sem polna spoznanj, naukov, uvidov in dragocenih modrosti. Da pogled na zadovoljno žensko skozi lastne izkušnje mnogim med njimi daje navdih in da bi si želeli vsega tega še več, da bi se želeli učiti od mene … Iskra je tlela, a se je morala zgoditi pandemija in z njo zlom socialnega in družbenega življenja. Vedela sem, kaj nas korona uči. ​ Točno tak zlom na osebni ravni sem doživela natanko sedem let nazaj, zlom vse do temeljev. Izgubila sem veliko: družino in to žal ne prvič, ponovno tudi dom, službo, eksistenco, svoj dotedanji način življenja, in sebe v celoti … svet je drvel naprej, moj pa se je popolnoma ustavil. Na ruševinah svojega življenja sem obsedela s parajočim obupom v sebi. Ničesar zunanjega ni bilo, na kar bi se lahko naravnala ali usmerila svojo pozornost, zato mi v osami dejansko ni preostalo nič drugega kot to, da se obrnem vase in raziščem, zakaj sem sploh padla v tako globoko krizo in zakaj ne živim življenja kot sem globoko v sebi čutila, da bi ga morala. Knjiga Poletela govori o tej poti. Govori o tem, kako so se nekoč v našo podzavest naselili vzgoja, vzorci, prepričanja, čustveni odzivi, a od tam v celoti obvladujejo in vplivajo na realnost našega življenja. Pišem o tem, kako se ne znamo učiti iz preizkušenj in se zato znova in znova zapletamo v drame polnih bolečin in razočaranj. Dokler izčrpani od nenehnih bojev ne omagamo v krizo, ki pa je v resnici klic k prebujenje iz iluzije. Zlom do temeljev je dar k preobrazbi, ko ti življenje nameni izjemno priložnost, da se od samega začetka s preprostimi, a zavestnimi koraki očistimo vseh omejujočih notranjih spon. Šele, ko sem to naredila, sem začela razvijati svoj potencial, stopila na pot razcveta in zaživela življenje, ki je v skladu z mojo pristno naravo. Šele ko spremenimo svoj notranji svet, se spremeni zunanji. Šele, ko se očistimo, lahko ponotranjimo temeljne življenjske zakone, ki so tudi edini stebri pravega človeškega ravnanja in vodijo v izpolnjeno in ozaveščeno življenje. In ta prehod iz življenja, kot ga živimo, v življenje, kot nam je namenjeno, je nedvomno marsikomu izziv. Zato sem čas tišine, miru in osame ponovno uporabila za ustvarjanje, ki mi je blizu – pisanje, zato da bi skozi svojo izkušnjo pomagala drugim, kako pogumno odložiti staro in z zaupanjem graditi novo. Kriza nas res lahko pretrese do temeljev. Vendar se vse zgodi z razlogom, tudi najbolj trpke preizkušnje. In pridejo z darili, ki jih prejmemo, ko smo se naučili njene lekcije … takrat lahko tudi poletiš. "Wauuu Suzi, I'm devouring your book ... it's great, very inspiring, full of guidelines and instructions, and I also shed tears while reading." ​ A wonderful book ... worth reading ... A difficult life experience, worded so vividly, deeply, truly !!! I have witnessed this story of hers all these years and I am so happy and proud that she finally succeeded !!! just a story - it's a guide you can read over and over again and learn the lesson of life ... Suzi . " “My dear Suzi, I can’t find the right words to express my feelings while reading your book… Wauuuu… ..literally pulls you into it and you can’t stop reading because you’re always looking forward to continuing. Wonderful! ” ​ “The book pulls you in that you can’t wait to see what’s next. At times, I feel like reading my story ... oh how I found myself. I'm done reading your book. A little more and I'll start reading it again. "_ Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ​ “Dear Suzi, the holidays are over reading, actually carefully reading word for word… next to your book. The book is actually read as a handbook, as something you have on your desk and you pick it up again to remember, to remind. You read positive thoughts, encouragement. I haven’t reached the end yet, I’m somewhere in the middle, there, when the preparation for the ascent begins. Congratulations, my dear! That you can and know how to articulate your emotions. I can’t wait to continue. You are priceless. Thank you for being you." ​ »I read, I think, I learn. I'm getting better. Who else is able to open the heart and reveal the soul. I cannot express my deep respect and admiration. And this inner beauty of yours also glows on the outside. " "Your story sucked me in. This is not just a book about your and a woman's spiritual path, but an Encyclopedia of the soul, inner peace, the source of life ..." ​ "Dear Suzi, the book is beautiful, experienced, sad and inspiring at times. Your story is telling, it connects beautifully and simply draws you in. I found myself in many sentences. Your immeasurable heart and fighting spirit take over. You don't give up! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your life story with us. " ​ Dear Suzi, live and in the written word you are a real diamond, a role model and an inspiration to all of us. It is supernatural to choose words and phrases to describe yourself and others. Your book is TOP! ​ Suzi, an inspiring story, full of truths and wisdom ... in one word GREAT! ​ A book that gives you wings to fly on your own. I heartily recommend! ​ on this day a year ago, I picked up the first copies of my book at the printing press. Two days later, on my birthday, I handed her over to the Art / Light Gallery in the company of people dear to me to fly to the world. ​

  • Suzi ASFOUR

    Pokaži, zakaj si tukaj in naredi to s strastjo! Posebni dosežki: ​ kristalno priznanje odličnosti vodenje stanovske organizacije Tajnica leta 2005 soavtorica 3 strokovnih priročnikov avtorica številnih strokovnih člankov avtorica knjige Poletela, od iskre do plamena Sem proaktivna , ambiciozna oseba, ki ima rada dinamično delo, projekte, izzive in dejavno iskanje novih priložnosti. Imam sposobnost hitrega in poglobljenega odkrivanja povezav in zakonitosti dogodkov ter iskanja ustvarjalnih pristopov in primernih rešitev. Pri tem me vodijo moj analitični um, dinamični duh in srčno delovanje . Visoka profesionalnost in samoiniciativnost sta del moje delovne kulture. . V svoje delo vedno vložim sebe, saj si želim kar največ prispevati organizaciji, v kateri delam. Moj moto je: bodi del rešitve in ne del problema . Imam dolgoletne izkušnje v poslovni podpori, izvajanju administrativno-tehničnih vsebin, administriranju spletenih in socialnih omrežij, organizaciji, koordinaciji, vodenju, moderiranju dogodkov/projektov, pisanju besedil, izobraževanju in dela z ljudmi. Znam voditi, povezovati, sodelovati, sklepati kompromise, lahko pa delam tudi povsem samostojno. Delujem z zagonom odločnega kolerika in z očarljivostjo sangvinika. Ustvarjam z naborom svojih naravnih danostih in talentov. Komuniciram sproščeno in s prijaznim, toplim osebnim pristopom. Sem dober poslušalec, jasen govorec, vešča lepega izražanja in vedenja. Vedno delujem usklajena v besedah in dejanjih, zato mi ljudje zaupajo. Izpolnjuje me, če lahko izrazim svoje komunikacijske, organizacijske in vodstvene veščine , kreativnost ter naravno karizmo. ​ #smartmoneywoman BLOG

  • Suzi ASFOUR

    Pokaži, zakaj si tukaj in naredi to s strastjo! Kaj delam: ​ učim vas o finančni pismenosti; svetujem, kako zaščiti vaše prihodke in poskrbeti za varno in finančno zaščiteno prihodnost; pomagam vam, kako narediti informirano odločitev; svetujem vam pri izbiri zavarovalnih produktov, ki ustrezajo vašim potrebam, željam in zahtevam; pomagam vam zaščiti vaše sanje in cilje; skupaj z vami zgradim partnerski odnos za življenje; mentoriram vas pri gradnji kariere v našem timu. Kaj delam: ​ učim vas o finančni pismenosti; svetujem, kako zaščiti vaše prihodke in poskrbeti za varno in finančno zaščiteno prihodnost; pomagam vam, kako narediti informirano odločitev; svetujem vam pri izbiri zavarovalnih produktov, ki ustrezajo vašim potrebam, željam in zahtevam; pomagam vam zaščiti vaše sanje in cilje; skupaj z vami zgradim partnerski odnos za življenje; mentoriram vas pri gradnji kariere v našem timu. #smartmoneywoman BLOG

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