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  • Suzi Asfour

    Nič ni tako obremenjujoče kot tog življenjski načrt. Če ste vedno osredotočeni na prihodnji cilj, prenehate biti pozorni na trenutno delo, zamudite priložnosti, ki se pojavijo sproti, in ostanete na isti poti, četudi bi se vam lahko odprla boljša in novejša možnost. Še preden sem stopila na trg dela, sem imela jasno zastavljen karierni načrt. Predstavljala sem si svoj poslovni stil v belem plašču in delovno okolje laboratorij. A življenje mi je vedno znova odpiralo vrata drugačnih priložnosti. Prav skozi te izkušnje sem dosegla osebno in poslovno rast, ki bi mi sicer ostala nedosegljiva, če bi strogo sledila le prvotnemu načrtu. Verjamem, da sta pogum, prilagodljivost in vztrajnost temelj za uspešno obvladovanje prelomnic in doseganje ciljev izven zastavljenih okvirjev. Toda prav tukaj sem vse bolj prepoznavala svoje naravne danosti, tisto, v čemer resnično blestim, in strasti, ki me navdihujejo ter ženejo naprej. Veliko življenjskih izkušenj, spoznanj in modrosti se je skozi leta nateklo, zato danes: 1. as: PREDAVAM * o osebno opolnomočenem življenju , s poudarkom na tem, da predvsem ženskam pomagam odkriti njihovo notranjo moč in avtentičnost ter ustvariti življenje, ki je v skladu z resnico njihovega srca. * o finančni pismenosti, ki se je sistematično nismo učili nikjer. Verjamem, da ima vsakdo, ne glede na začetne okoliščine, moč, da prevzame nadzor nad svojimi financami in doseže finančno neodvisnost. 2. as: MODERIRAM dogodke, ki jih s svojo naravno karizmo, srčno energijo, skrbno izbranimi besedami in elegantno izvedbo povežem v harmonično celoto, ki ostane v trajnem spominu. 3. as: SVETUJEM pri sprejemanju informiranih finančnih odločitev in pomagam umestiti zavarovalne produkte, ki ustvarijo trdne temelje finančne stabilnosti in varnosti. 4. as: PIŠEM * sem avtorica knjige Poletela, od iskre do plamena, kjer skozi svojo osebno in duhovno rast spodbujam k spremembam, ki vodijo k izpolnjenemu življenju. Knjiga je postala navdih za mnoge, ki iščejo pot k osebni preobrazbi in življenjski harmoniji. * bloge, s katerimi bralce povabim v svoj svet. Delim svoje misli, izkušnje ter preproste nasvete za osebno rast, finančno stabilnost in trajno izpolnitev. Zakaj 4 asi? Priimek Asfour izhaja iz arabskega jezika, kjer beseda "asfour" pomeni "ptica." Vendar ga lahko izrazimo tudi na poseben način – kot igrivo simboliko na štiri ase (as - four). Tako kot štirje asi v kartah nosilcu prinašajo popolno kombinacijo, tudi jaz kot nosilka priimka Asfour nosim v sebi edinstveno harmonijo sposobnosti, ki očarajo in navdihujejo.

  • Suzi Asfour

    Od kemika do Tajnice leta in kristalne poslovne odličnosti v: administraciji in menedžmentu, izvršni podpori vodstvenemu kadru, vodenju pisarne, projektov in timov, moderaciji in organizaciji dogodkov, predavanjih z vsebino: organizacija dela, time management, vodenje navzgor, kako postati odlična izvršna asistentka; pisanju strokovnih priročnikov in člankov, vodenju neprofitne organizacije Zveze klubov poslovne odličnosti Slovenije. Zgradila sem 30-desetletno bogato kariero v administraciji in menedžmentu kot najboljša podpora: vodstvenemu kadru; urejanje koledarja, časovnice, skrbnica, da aktivnosti potekajo tekoče in nemoteno; komunikacija z različnimi deležniki, skrbnica in podpora ključnim strankam, svetovanje strankam; organizacija sestankov, poslovnih srečanj, potovanj, različnih dogodkov, prireditev; vodenje ali koordinacija projektov; vzpostavljanje in urejanje različnih baz, evidenc, vodenje obračunov, plačilnega prometa, arhiva, pisanje zapisnikov, okrožnic; priprava dokumentacije, ponudb, pogodb, tehničnih nalogov; sodelovanje v različnih organih zavoda kot so Svet staršev, Svet zavoda, Finančna komisija, Šolski sklad; administriranje spletnih in družbenih omrežij; desetletno vodenje stanovske organizacije Zveze klubov poslovne odličnosti Slovenije (častna funkcija); bila sem članica programskega sveta in komisije izbora za ADMA odličnost leta, ki je prestižno priznanje, s katerim se izpostavi uspešne in perspektivne posameznike, ki delujejo na področju podpore menedžmentu. Pridobila sem jih v: 2023–2024 - Smart Money Solutions d.o.o. osebna strateška asistentka predsednika uprave in lastnika družbe zavarovalna zastopnica predavateljica finančne pismenosti 2022-2023 – Pulko ventili Ruše d.o.o. izvršna asistentka 2016-2022 – Waldorfska šola Maribor poslovna sekretarka/tajnica šole 2013-2023 – Zveza klubov poslovne odličnosti Slovenije predsednica združenja (častna funkcija) 2008-2014 – Suzi Zevnik s.p. samostojna mobilna poslovna asistentka 1992-2008 – Sonal, d.o.o. poslovna asistentka "Izjemen administrativni strokovnjak je eleganca, spretnost, mentalna trdnost, reševanje težav, pozitivnost, neskončni nasmehi in rezultati v gibanju." Ty Howard

  • Suzi Asfour

    Pravijo, da sem karizmatična ženska z magnetično osebno energijo, ki združuje modrost, toplino in moč. Moja največja strast je opolnomočiti ljudi, še posebej ženske, da odkrijejo svojo notranjo moč, presežejo ovire in zaživijo polno, avtentično življenje. To poslanstvo izžarevam v vsem, kar počnem – od predavanj, kjer navdihujem občinstvo, do poučevanja joge in projektov, s katerimi ustvarjam trajne pozitivne spremembe. Združujem profesionalnost s srčnim delovanjem, kar mi omogoča, da pustim trajen pečat – ne le pri posameznikih, temveč tudi v skupnostih, kjer delujem. Imam naravni dar za povezovanje ljudi, besed in zgodb, kar se izrazito kaže v moji sposobnosti elegantnega in navdihujočega moderiranja dogodkov. S svojim melodičnim glasom, premišljeno izbranimi besedami in graciozno energijo ustvarjam rdečo nit, ki vsebino dogodka poveže v harmonično celoto. Skozi svojo kariero sem se naučila preoblikovati izzive v priložnosti, pri tem pa vedno ostajam zvesta svojim vrednotam in intuiciji. Pogumno sledim sebi, tudi kadar to pomeni odstopanje od ustaljenih poti. Verjamem, da je ključ do izpolnjenega življenja, da si dovolimo biti avtentični. Prav to me vodi, da s strastjo in srčnostjo soustvarjam zgodbe, ki so polne smisla, globine in navdiha. Ohranjanje ravnotežja med delom in počitkom, med dajanjem in prejemanjem, pa mi omogoča, da vsak dan najdem svoj notranji mir in živim življenje, ki me izpolnjuje. V naravi, potovanjih, dolgih sprehodih, kolesarjenju in jutranji jogi najdem stik s seboj in svetom, ki me obdaja. Živim s strastjo do navdihovanja, ustvarjanja in povezovanja ter trdno verjamem, da ima vsakdo moč, da zasije in zaživi svoje najboljše življenje. Moja pot ni zgolj zgodba o uspehu – je zgodba o ženski, ki z neomajno vero, pogumom, iskrenostjo in predanostjo živi svojo resnico.

  • Suzi Asfour

    Knjiga POLETELA, od iskre do plamena, je moj knjižni prvenec, čeravno sem spisala že veliko gradiva: strokovne priročnike in članke, prispevke za knjige drugih avtorjev, uvodnikov, veznih besedil, motivacijskih govorov, krajših objav ter osebnih pisem. Veliko ljudi, ki me poznajo in spremljajo že vrsto let, so me spodbujali že dalj časa, da napišem tudi knjigo. Pogosto so mi povedali, da vedno znova radi poslušajo moje govore in berejo moja besedila. Da jih nagovarja moj slog, srčnost, rahločutnost, izpovednost in predvsem iskrenost. Da sem polna spoznanj, naukov, uvidov in dragocenih modrosti. Da pogled na zadovoljno žensko skozi lastne izkušnje mnogim med njimi daje navdih in da bi si želeli vsega tega še več, da bi se želeli učiti od mene … Iskra je tlela, a se je morala zgoditi pandemija in z njo zlom socialnega in družbenega življenja. Vedela sem, kaj nas korona uči. Točno tak zlom na osebni ravni sem doživela natanko sedem let nazaj, zlom vse do temeljev. Izgubila sem veliko: družino in to žal ne prvič, ponovno tudi dom, službo, eksistenco, svoj dotedanji način življenja, in sebe v celoti … svet je drvel naprej, moj pa se je popolnoma ustavil. Na ruševinah svojega življenja sem obsedela s parajočim obupom v sebi. Ničesar zunanjega ni bilo, na kar bi se lahko naravnala ali usmerila svojo pozornost, zato mi v osami dejansko ni preostalo nič drugega kot to, da se obrnem vase in raziščem, zakaj sem sploh padla v tako globoko krizo in zakaj ne živim življenja kot sem globoko v sebi čutila, da bi ga morala. Knjiga Poletela govori o tej poti. Govori o tem, kako so se nekoč v našo podzavest naselili vzgoja, vzorci, prepričanja, čustveni odzivi, a od tam v celoti obvladujejo in vplivajo na realnost našega življenja. Pišem o tem, kako se ne znamo učiti iz preizkušenj in se zato znova in znova zapletamo v drame polnih bolečin in razočaranj. Dokler izčrpani od nenehnih bojev ne omagamo v krizo, ki pa je v resnici klic k prebujenje iz iluzije. Zlom do temeljev je dar k preobrazbi, ko ti življenje nameni izjemno priložnost, da se od samega začetka s preprostimi, a zavestnimi koraki očistimo vseh omejujočih notranjih spon. Šele, ko sem to naredila, sem začela razvijati svoj potencial, stopila na pot razcveta in zaživela življenje, ki je v skladu z mojo pristno naravo. Šele ko spremenimo svoj notranji svet, se spremeni zunanji. Šele, ko se očistimo, lahko ponotranjimo temeljne življenjske zakone, ki so tudi edini stebri pravega človeškega ravnanja in vodijo v izpolnjeno in ozaveščeno življenje. In ta prehod iz življenja, kot ga živimo, v življenje, kot nam je namenjeno, je nedvomno marsikomu izziv. Zato sem čas tišine, miru in osame ponovno uporabila za ustvarjanje, ki mi je blizu – pisanje, zato da bi skozi svojo izkušnjo pomagala drugim, kako pogumno odložiti staro in z zaupanjem graditi novo. Kriza nas res lahko pretrese do temeljev. Vendar se vse zgodi z razlogom, tudi najbolj trpke preizkušnje. In pridejo z darili, ki jih prejmemo, ko smo se naučili njene lekcije … takrat lahko tudi poletiš. "Wauuu Suzi, I'm devouring your book ... it's great, very inspiring, full of guidelines and instructions, and I also shed tears while reading." A wonderful book ... worth reading ... A difficult life experience, worded so vividly, deeply, truly !!! I have witnessed this story of hers all these years and I am so happy and proud that she finally succeeded !!! just a story - it's a guide you can read over and over again and learn the lesson of life ... Suzi . " “My dear Suzi, I can’t find the right words to express my feelings while reading your book… Wauuuu… ..literally pulls you into it and you can’t stop reading because you’re always looking forward to continuing. Wonderful! ” “The book pulls you in that you can’t wait to see what’s next. At times, I feel like reading my story ... oh how I found myself. I'm done reading your book. A little more and I'll start reading it again. "_ Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ “Dear Suzi, the holidays are over reading, actually carefully reading word for word… next to your book. The book is actually read as a handbook, as something you have on your desk and you pick it up again to remember, to remind. You read positive thoughts, encouragement. I haven’t reached the end yet, I’m somewhere in the middle, there, when the preparation for the ascent begins. Congratulations, my dear! That you can and know how to articulate your emotions. I can’t wait to continue. You are priceless. Thank you for being you." »I read, I think, I learn. I'm getting better. Who else is able to open the heart and reveal the soul. I cannot express my deep respect and admiration. And this inner beauty of yours also glows on the outside. " "Your story sucked me in. This is not just a book about your and a woman's spiritual path, but an Encyclopedia of the soul, inner peace, the source of life ..." "Dear Suzi, the book is beautiful, experienced, sad and inspiring at times. Your story is telling, it connects beautifully and simply draws you in. I found myself in many sentences. Your immeasurable heart and fighting spirit take over. You don't give up! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your life story with us. " Dear Suzi, live and in the written word you are a real diamond, a role model and an inspiration to all of us. It is supernatural to choose words and phrases to describe yourself and others. Your book is TOP! Suzi, an inspiring story, full of truths and wisdom ... in one word GREAT! A book that gives you wings to fly on your own. I heartily recommend! on this day a year ago, I picked up the first copies of my book at the printing press. Two days later, on my birthday, I handed her over to the Art / Light Gallery in the company of people dear to me to fly to the world.

  • Suzi Asfour

    ​Od nekdaj je bilo pisanje področje mojega ustvarjalnega izražanja:​ ​ 2021: Poletela, od iskre do plamena 2012: Priročnik za poslovne sekretarje 2010: Poslovni asistent - skriti vodja 2007: Najboljša poslovna sekretarka

  • Priporočila v menedžmentu | Suzi

    Management recommendations ¸ 2018 Waldorf School Maribor, Maksimiljan Rimele, director of the institute and director After two years of cooperation, I can say that this decision has had a great impact on the development of the entire institution, which is still ongoing. At the school, we want genuine relationships between employees, children and parents based on mutual respect and understanding, followed by internal, not hierarchical organization. This way of working has many advantages, as well as pitfalls that can often be avoided with a great deal of professionalism. And that is exactly what Mrs. Suzi Asfour brought us with her arrival. As the director of the institute and the principal, I felt a lot of support in communicating with the environment, preparing data for decision making, organizing meetings, planning obligations, finding possible solutions to very different situations, which can not be briefly listed in school life. After two years of working in an office that is the second heart of the school, Ms. Asfour has managed to create an environment that works professionally, yet warmly and homely. The latter is best seen with the arrival of children, who find a warm person in Suza, who listens to them and helps them, and in this way puts himself in the role of pedagogical activity. Parents and employees also find more and more security and trust in her systematic work . personal integrity and thus influences the positive development of the community, which the Waldorf school undoubtedly is and must be. Teachers firmly believe that children can be taught the most by example, but we are too little aware that it is similar in the adult world. Striving to be part of the solution and not problem seekers is something that needs to be nurtured as an endless mantra from day to day. Suzi Asfour can do it and it helps to grow and grow us all… ​ 2015 Evra doo, Simona Lobnik Ambrožič, director: Suzi Asfour worked with Evra on e-mail and telephone correspondence with clients, arranged meetings for the company's management, assisted in preparing content for workshops, articles and event moderation, and worked as a business secretary. She is good at good written and oral communication. She is very good at organizing work and time. She is energetic, dynamic and up-to-date. I recommend it to companies looking for a modern and organized business secretary. ​ ​ 2012-2013 ​ Aliansa doo, Daniel Kajzersperger, director: In the Alliance we are engaged in retail and wholesale of white goods and small household appliances, we are also we are importers for Elo containers, which we distribute in Slovenia, Croatia and most of the Balkans._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In order to bring our wide sales range closer online, it was necessary to administer two websites. We hired Suzi Asfour as an external contractor. We expected responsiveness, consistency and complete up-to-dateness in our work, as it was necessary to harmonize the current price lists with the situation in the online store as soon as possible. Suzi did her job independently, quickly, showed organizational skills and ingenuity. She also communicated and collaborated with other employees professionally. She showed self-initiative and commitment in her work. He is definitely a person with high personal standards, with an extremely positive attitude towards work and trustworthy. ​ Hello Bio doo, Gaber Marolt, director : Suzi has worked with me in recent years as an external collaborator in several areas and has helped me carry out many projects, whether it is introducing a new product or service, gaining new customers or communicating with existing and potential partners. I have to praise Suzi above all in relation to her work, as she is diligent and dedicated. He prepares thoroughly for the tasks and does his best to complete them perfectly. Of course, you’ll quickly notice that she’s great at communicating and that she has a warm personal relationship, which people appreciate, whether it’s communicating things that people like or things that are just as necessary, but we don’t always to your liking. In both cases, Suzi turns out. ​

  • Vrednote | Suzi

    Values . I live a "wellness" lifestyle - maintaining a balance between work, family, home, socializing with friends and time for myself . A balanced lifestyle me rich and holistically fulfilling. It is the source of my vitality, internal harmony, high levels of motivation and resistance and resistance. Family is where it all begins. I nurture genuine family ties based on connection and belonging. . Work I love work where I can draw from my sparkling source to achieve heart results. I create with a set of my natural gifts and talents. That’s when I feel genuine and connected to the best I carry within me. _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Dom it is my safe and warm haven where I rest in the embrace of peace and homeliness. I have an extraordinary sense of aesthetics, interior interior and tidiness. My friend says that she could make a beautiful home out of a chicken coop. Socializing my friends are permanent in my life. I believe in genuine feminine energy and its creative and connecting power. Travels they are my passion and I take every opportunity to take them. Travel opens our horizons, broadens our mindset and nourishes our soul.

  • Kontakt | Suzi

    Did I address you? Do you feel the chemistry with me? Then do not hesitate, get in touch with me so that I can get to know you. Write to me at : ali call: 051 615 596 You can also find me at: Your details were sent successfully! Send

  • Izobrazba | Suzi

    How to become analytical chemist dynamic business assistant? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ It is the result of natural endowments, a web of character traits, learned knowledge and skills, further education, acceptance of new challenges_cc781905-5cf-31 . Seminars and workshops I am aware of the importance of lifelong learning, I am curious and I want to constantly improve my knowledge, so I regularly attend various trainings for personal and professional growth. Foreign Languages German: excellent English: good Croatian: good Computing MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, Publisher) email internet social networks EDUCATION Business College B2 Maribor ​ 2005-2007: acquired name: poslovni sekretar Achievements : graduated with honors. Ruše Secondary School of Chemistry 1982-1986: title obtained: chemical technician Achievements: All four years I was the class president and the president of the school_3bb-136b5 -cbf-318bc-318 As the latter, I prepared the content and organization of the events, organized and connected all the actors, and led the event. Primary school 4 years in Maribor 4 years in Altenberg / Germany (I lived in Germany from 1968 to 1978) Achievements: Fluency in German. 2010 - present 2010 - present

  • Posebni dosežki | Suzi

    Delovna okolja Skozi delo želi to express their gifts, talents and competencies, enjoy it, acquire new knowledge and progress both personally and professionally . Special achievements: crystal recognition of excellence running a housing organization Secretary of the Year 2005 co-author of 3 professional manuals author of numerous professional articles author of the book Poletela, od iskre do plamena ​ 2010 - present 2010 - present

  • Kompetence | Suzi

    My competencies I am an EUCHS personality type : who are understanding, innovative, versatile people, tireless in finding new opportunities: E - extravertedness: communicative, sociable, dynamic, looking for contact with people U - creativity: innovative, thinking about possibilities, improvements, future-oriented Ch - emotions: personal, warm approach to others S - spontaneity: adapts quickly to change, enjoys action Leadership and organizational skills project management, events, various work processes, secretariat, people ability to independently plan and make decisions ability to find solutions and achieve goals effective work technique high level of organization ability to coordinate different events / projects simultaneously managing and editing documentation Communication skills highly developed ability of oral and written expression sovereign public speaking cordial approach, friendly and open communication ability to work in a team problem-solving ability ability to teach Personality traits dynamic and energetic persistent and effective flexible and responsive responsible and reliable independent and self-initiated committed and committed positive and smiling cordial and kind honest and loyal 2010 - present Zeequest personal profile ​ Your significance You are distinguished by courage, determination, selflessness, loyalty, generosity and gratitude. You are disciplined, honest, focused and efficient. A quick mind and an ingenious, orderly and careful personality are your great strengths in the game of life. You are sociable, love to lead and motivate others. You often find yourself in the role of a leader. You adapt quickly to any situation, and your charm and intelligence have a strong influence on others. You are attentive, creative and elegant. ​ How do you approach life You are an independent, confident, responsible and reliable person who works hard and is results-oriented. You respect your co-workers and help everyone who is on your team to become an important part of it. Appreciate people who are not looking for excuses, but striving for efficiency and effectiveness. You are creative, innovative, precise, daring and extremely confident, with a broad vision. You are very good at presentations, and you absolutely adore your work. You are also able to create a result from scratch. ​ What do you do best You have an innate ability to manage both people and situations. You are reliable, responsible, organized and results-oriented. You crave progress, you make decisions quickly and easily. You are good at managing your finances. A sense of the little things allows you to not miss anything. You are known for for going into action and making sure things are done. You have a strong sense of integrity. You are careful, reliable and you know how to bring order to chaos. Define clear and fair systems and structures. You need all the information you need to make decisions. Once you accept them and confirm the direction, you are firmly on the path to realization. People appreciate you for your outlook on life and wisdom. You want to understand how the world works and you are imbued with a desire to explore it. You love to watch and you are curious. You are capable of exceptional thinking, with which you come up with brilliant solutions and strategies. Your mind flows freely, is unique, different from others, always searching for truth and knowledge. Your spirit is extremely free. You are talented and creative, you like to explore the unknown and the esoteric. You are focused on analysis and before you give the green light to any project, always prepare a clear strategy, design the structure and schedule the work. Instinctively you reject possessive and attention-seeking members of your team and encourage them to analyze and express their concerns or ideas in a simple way rather than threshing empty straw. ​ ​ Collection of results of competence tests of the Employment Service: You are characterized by a working style of "natural leader". You are responsible and hardworking, you take your tasks seriously, you show perseverance and reliability at work. You set goals and put a lot of effort into achieving them, you are also organized. You are considerate and kind to others, you know how to cooperate, although you can also work independently. Don’t go over others for your success. You show confidence in yourself, you are confident and positive. In relationships with others you are a relaxed, charming and pleasant interlocutor. Leadership potential You are a good leader. You know how to impress people and prepare them to show their potential. You have good ideas and a distinct charisma. You have no problem giving clear instructions about tasks, you also know how to divide them among co-workers. You have well-developed abilities to motivate others for a task. Don't be afraid of responsibility. You know how to evaluate work and give both positive and negative feedback. You know how to make a plan very well and stick to it. As a superior, you are considerate, tactful and sensitive to the wishes and problems of others. Strive to run them as correctly and honestly as possible. You also control your emotions and behavior well, so you give the impression of relaxation and calm. You are aware that a good leader must be both a good listener and a clear speaker. Together with your subordinates, you look for suitable solutions and value them as an equal partner. Success orientation You are ambitious, determined and strive to develop your own abilities. You can easily set new goals and persevere until you achieve them. You are committed to your work and do not need external motivation to work, as you yourself are aware of the importance of what you do. When pursuing a goal, don't be afraid to take risks if you know that this will make it easier for you to achieve what you want. You are hardworking, persistent, conscientious and efficient in your work. You are aware of your responsibility to work and therefore put a lot of effort and effort into it. You also want to finish the work you start, and as a rule, don't let anything distract you from it. You are precise and consistent in your work. Others can count on your work to be completed on time. Interpersonal relationships You are very adept at forming and maintaining open relationships with others. You respect other people. Allow others to express their true selves and accept them as they are. You know how to empathize with them and comfort them. You observe well the relationships between people as well as how your reactions affect the interlocutor. You can judge what reaction or move is best at that moment for your relationship. You know how to forgive because you realize that we all make mistakes sometimes. And even then, you have a high threshold of tolerance for others, which means it’s hard to get angry or throw yourself off track. You often cultivate friendly relationships with co-workers and like to offer help when needed. You are genuinely interested in other people and their problems. This competence is your real advantage. Cooperation You love to help and work in a team. Colleagues love you because you encourage collaboration and are accessible to most people. You build open relationships and also nurture them carefully. But patience and compromise only enrich your high ability to cooperate. Attitude to work You have a very responsible attitude towards work. You want to contribute as much as possible to the company, you are honest and you follow the rules. You do your job well even without supervision. You are interested in gaining additional knowledge. News You are more precise and hardworking in your work than the people around you. Dedication to work and organization are your strengths and help you to be more efficient. Even when you run into bigger obstacles, you don’t give up. Employees also appreciate you for your responsible attitude towards work. Self initiative You are a man of action and anticipation. You often find out what needs to be done and do it before you are ordered. You quickly identify situations where your intervention and your energy are needed. You often solve problems on your own. Mental strength You are highly resistant to stress, which means you stay focused and positive even in difficult situations. After various stressful situations or accidents, you recover quickly and take care of yourself. You are an optimist by nature. Many people may envy your inner strength, so stay positive and calm. Flexibility You are a flexible person. You have no problems with performing multiple tasks at once, you know how to solve difficult or. complex situations. Changing work tasks doesn’t bother you, as you adjust in a short amount of time. Even if changes do occur, you don’t resist, but you usually see their positive sides. Problem solving Highly expressed problem-solving competence shows your ability to quickly and in-depth discover connections and the legality of events and find suitable solutions to potential problems. You see faster than most people the pros and cons of a technique, method, or decision. The essence of things rarely stays hidden from you, as you see beyond the obvious and don’t stop until you understand the background of things. When looking for solutions, don't limit yourself to familiar methods, but always look for better and more innovative ways to solve problems. You don’t need a lot of time to find possible solutions. You are resourceful. You understand the facts, think logically, and use common sense. These skills are useful especially when research, finding possible solutions and quick action is needed. Creativity You are above average creative. This means that you have a lot of ideas and know how to think differently, outside of the given framework. You can find many different options, even unusual ones. You have an imagination. You are inclined to constantly improve ideas and solutions, you also know how to play with ideas regardless of the facts. Creativity is useful in many workplaces where it is necessary to have different ideas at work or ‘just’ to see opportunities for improvement in your environment. Tidiness You are a distinctly orderly person. You are organized and religious, you have objects and documents in place. You take your responsibilities seriously. You follow deadlines and don’t usually exceed them. Your appearance also points to a tidy person. Openness You are more curious than most people around you. Colleagues would easily label you as a person with many interests. They would also consider themselves more resourceful than a man of habits. You love exploring new things and are full of ideas. You are also very imaginative at work. 2010 - present

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